264: The Paradox Of Virtual Reality

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Sony virtual reality setup

“To Error is Human. To Really Foul Things Up Requires a Computer.” This was quote on our grandpa’s computer, and it strikes us as just as true today, especially with automation and virtual reality. We dive deep into both those subjects – including with Matthew’s new Sony Playstation VR. All the rest of the show notes are below.

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Virtual Reality Show Notes

Mark Zuckerberg continues to make progress on his smart home and it’s time to add a voice. It sounds like Iron Man may be playing the voice of Jarvis.
Iron Man Will Be The Voice Of Jarvis, If Dr. Strange Picks A Charity


Video games are not just “fun and games”. They can help you be a better player.
How Video Games Are Changing the Way Soccer Is Played


Matthew’s Playstation VR Review. It looks like virtual reality is pretty awesome.
Oculus’ CEO’s 7 VR Predictions
The Search for Virtual Reality’s Killer App


Automation is creating a paradox. Automation takes care the easy tasks, which means you practice your skills less. However, the things that are not automated are tasks which require a GREATER skill, which should require more practice, but you’re not getting it. A paradox.
How computers are setting us up for disaster


It turns out that Apple build their own social network with iMessage. Plus, Facebook wants their social network in your work environment as well.
iMessages And Android
Workplace.fb.com Goes Live
Workplace Has Potential, Both Good And Bad


“Clean meat” is not made from animals. It’s produced in a factor like Cheerios. The trick to getting mass adoption is great taste at a great price.
Ethical arguments won’t end factory farming. Technology might.


Things keep getting bad for Samsung. Their discontinuing their Note 7.
Samsung Doesn’t Know What’s Wrong With The Note 7

Samsung Will Dispose Of All Note 7s
Note 7s Are Officially Banned From US Flights
Samsung Built A Smartwatch SoC With An LTE Modem


Snap want to go public… for some reason…
Snap’s $25 billion initial public offering, explained for people over 30
Snap Picks Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs to Lead IPO