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188: How To Pronounce Satya

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This week we focus on Microsoft and their announcements at their Build Conference. In short: Continuum looks great, .NET aims to kill Java and Oracle, HoloLens to coming along just fine and Microsoft still doesn’t know how old you are.

We also chat about the Avengers (of course), the EM Drive, Facebook’s video chat feature, and Tesla’s home battery.

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Decidedly About Google IO

Episode 40! How time flies! The big news this week decidedly comes from Google. They unveiled their new Nexus Tablet, the Nexus Q, Google Play improvements, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, a Google Glass demo, Google+ events and Hangout integration.

We also talk about Microsoft buying Yammer, why the decided to make Magnesium cases, their rural broadband plan, and how they’ve offended OEMs like HP.

We also fit in news about Yelp check-ins on the iPhone, Woz’s support of Kim DotCom, Apple’s re-phrasing of there virus immunity, their new (horrible) podcasting app, Steve Job’s win against Flash, and Bob Mansfield retiring from Apple.

Finally, we finish with our weekly RIM update. It seems the mainstream media has picked up on their impending doom. Welcome to the party.



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image: phonedog.com