
Home / Posts tagged "Blueseed"

83a: Blueseed wants you on a boat

I wonder if they’ll have import tax-free shopping on the boat.

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83: Sociology 101

Sociology 101

Tech companies are changing the way we learn and think. We are slowly, but surely, shifting our entire lives digitally. In some ways, they resemble our physical lives, but more often than not they’re able to take the best parts and meld them together into something greater. That’s what we talked about today. BTW, the “Y” in Sociology is invisible, but it’s totally there. That’s phycology!

Blue seed wants to make a boat to solve immigration, the Wii outsold the Wii U, Nintendo will skip the E3 keynote, Facebook has sociology data, Phablets aren’t a phad, Netflix is dominating again, online education is just getting started, Google Fiber is happening, NASA is shooting phones into space.

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