226: Companies Fail To Build Up the Stack. First You’ll Be Confused, Then You’ll Be Inspired

Home / Full Show / 226: Companies Fail To Build Up the Stack. First You’ll Be Confused, Then You’ll Be Inspired

Jenna Up The Stack

It’s really hard for companies to build up the stack because they have to guess what they’re customers want. Furthermore, there’ll be a tendency to try and make their existing business’s life easy. This is what causes disruption! This week we talk about companies trying to move up the stack along with a bunch of other topics. See below for all the show notes.

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Up The Stack Notes

Microsoft seems to be struggling with their new Surface products this year. It sounds like solvable issues, but they’re making the mistake of not saying anything.
Welcome to Surfacegate

The upside smiley face is the new way of telling people you’re being sarcastic in written form (think: Twitter or test messages. However, there’s a fundamental flaw with this, which is why it’ll fail just like the ideas before it.
The Inherent Problem Of Sarcasm Punctuation

The Crunchies are still coming, and this week we talk about the best tech achievements. It’s a pretty good list, with one obvious winner. BTW, the second article is where I suggested, in June before the WWDC, that apple modify how their home screen works.
Meet The Tech Vying For The Crunchie For Best Technology Achievement In 2015
Moving Beyond Apple iPhone’s Tap & Hold of an App Icon

This is a great article! We’ll definitely be referencing this one for a long time. The idea is that it’s hard to build up the stack because you’re not your own customer. Seriously, it’s good. Read it.
Why Companies Fail: The Stack Fallacy
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Breaks Ground To Make Elon Musk’s Hyperloop A Reality

There’s evidence to suggest that we have 9 planets, and it’s not Pluto. There’s also evidence that Global Warming is real.
We Have 9 Planets Again!
2015 Was The Hottest Year On Record

Facebook is trying to be your 3rd screening for live events. They’re starting with sports, but have a long ways to go before they’re anywhere close to Twitter.
Heads Up, ESPN: Facebook Built Its Own Game Hub for Live Sports Stats

Apple is probably making a car. Both Apple and Google are probably going to very successful when their final product comes out (for the record, they may not be the ones physically making the cars). Perhaps the most interesting part of this is GM’s complete dismissal of them.
Top Apple Car Guru Steps Down From Apple
The Head Of Mercedes Is Impressed With Alphabet And Apple
Ford Welcomes Apple and Google Into The Car Market

It looks like Apple may be getting in on the AR/VR space as well. Exciting!
Apple Hired One Of The Top AR/VR Specialist

Spoiler: Google had twice as many downloads. Apple made 75% of the money.
App Annie 2015 Annual Report


Image: irrefutablesuccess.com